Aug 24, 2018: Fountain/Waterfall Update

We are currently in the final stages of the repairs for The waterfall in our Jagare Ridge Community. For the remainder of the season, the Waterfall will be operational for testing purposes. There will be periods during this time that the waterfall will appear to be operational and other periods it will not be operational. […]

Jun 21, 2018: Community Cleanup

Maintenance Crews have been busy Cleaning the community and will continue to maintain the areas owned by the HOA for the season. Please refer to the attached map for areas Covered by the HOA. Empty Lots and Marketing areas are the developers responsibility. Please contact if you have any concerns or would like to provide feedback […]

Jun 21, 2018: Resident Responsibilities

Residents are responsible to care for the boulevard, alley and driveway crossing adjacent to their property line. Please click on the attached for further info

Jun 19, 2018: Fountain/Waterfall Update

The waterfall is a huge part of the Jagare Ridge Community and for our residents to enjoy the feature is also a huge priority for our development team at Melcor. Even though we are eager to have it running as soon as possible our current goal is to work with our consultants and experts for […]